Monday, October 14, 2013


No one likes these.
They're annoying.
They hurt.
They affect our focus.
They just suck.
Headaches need to be un-invented. 
But what if the reason we get headaches is because we aren't using our knowledge or creativity enough?
What if the pulsing pain is from all of those creative ideas just waiting to explode? 
What would our opinions on headaches be then?
Would we still hate them?
Or would we welcome them?
That beautiful burst of creativity could've come from that irritating and painful experience!! However, would you regret having that pain?
Would you want more?
Would people then get addicted to headaches?
Would it become just another way to get money?
However, if your use your creativity enough, you shouldn't even get headaches in the first place. Personally, I get very few headaches. The odd thing is  that I am always doodling. Always using my imagination. always being creative!!!
Now, I feel bad for those who aren't creative and imaginative. Imagine all Of the headaches they'd get!! 
they might need to get some aspirin,
However, this theory is most likely false because as I am writing this, I am getting a headache. My eyes itch and burn and my head is starting to pound.
I should probably stop typing, so I will.
Blog on babes and please enjoy this nice drawing!!

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