Monday, December 16, 2013

Pet Sweaters

Whether it is chilly outside or not, people always seem to dress their pets in sweaters whenever winter, and more specifically Christmas, rolls around. Now, today I was sitting at my desk and wondering to myself, why are we all into putting our pets into hideous plaid and diamond patterned red and green sweaters? What of that appeals to us??? Well, one can say that our instincts have us see our pets as our own children (and granted, I do call my kitten, Roku, my "little boy") so, as the parents, we do what we believe is best for our wittle babies.
We put sweaters on them.
Not only does it make them about 2000000% cuter, but we can also breathe easier knowing that the harsh winds if winter won't chill our presious little gems to the bone. 
But what if you live in a place that never gets to cold? Do you still put a sweater on your pet?
Maybe so! 
I'm not one to speak for everyone, but I'd assume that some would still dress their cats up in sweaters. Maybe it's more of a fad/fashion statement than actual concern for the creature itself. 
My family does not, however, put sweaters on our cats. All of our cats are outdoor cats and I don't think we would like to spend money on a sweater just so that they can get it ruined out in the world.
Now don't get me wrong! It can get crazy cold where I live and I have considered buying one for my own baby. But I never do. Whenever he is cold, I let him inside so that he can warm his little paw-pads by the fire and drink fresh cream from a porcelain bowl. (Ok, I may have over exaggerated how pampered he really is, but I believe he deserves that much! That's all that really matters!) 
Ok, so to wrap this up quickly, I'll say that pet sweaters are more of a fashion statement and a fad than actual concern for our pets well-being. But that doesn't mean pet-sweaters are bad! I personally support the use of them!! I mean, come on! A cat wearing sweater?? Who wouldn't love that?! 
(Well here's a picture of my baby, Roku... Yes I realize that he is lacking the proper winter apparel, but he's fat. He don't need anything else to warm him!!)

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