Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Firey-ness of Dragons

Since the beginning of their creation, dragons have always been associated with fire. They breathe it, they live in it, and they love it.
But why fire? why not some other element?
Why did it have to be fire?
Well, I think it's because fire is scary. sure its full of life, color, warmth, and security, but it is a scary substance. It can consume.
It can burn.
It can kill.
It only makes sense that the scariest creature should yield the scariest weapon.
Back in the medieval times, when dragons were very popular, fire was their only source of light and heat. The humans knew very little about fire. They didn't have fire extinguishers, they weren't nearly as smart and educated as we are now, and they didn't know how to adequately treat burns. to them, dragons were terrifying beasts that couldn't be stopped.
Of course I realize that dragons aren't real, and that the threat of them was also not real. However, people might have been scared. We cannot truly know what they feared back then!
Anyway, they were probably wary of fire. So giving a monstrous mythical beast the ability to just breathe that substance would provoke fear in anyone.
The good thing is, now a days dragons have all sorts of breathing abilities!
There are water dragons, earth dragons, air dragons (THE DRAGON AVATAR!!!!), Lightning dragons, sonic wave dragons, frost/ice dragons, lava dragons, steam dragons, and the list goes on and on! Maybe more types were created because as we as a human species evolved, so did our fears. some stayed and some left. Our fear of dragons has left because we now know how to conquer flames. So, to keep the magic alive, we created a whole new breed of dragon! well, not just one, but dozens of new breeds!
Personally, I think that humans need imagination to stay sane. You can define "sane" however you like, but I firmly believe that we need imagination. Dragons are an excellent form of human imagination.
without dragons, I think our history would be rather boring.
Dragons give us a spice that makes us seem like a race that has conquered that mighty beast! We are better than those creatures! (even though, if you have read my past posts, you'd know I don't think that. I'm only saying it because other people might believe that.)
All in all, Dragons and fire go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Its weird having one without the other.
Until Next time!

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