Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Why are so many people against tattoos? What makes them hate the idea so much? Tattoos are just another form of art, why should it be hated? No one really hates painting or drawings, but they hate tattoos. A reason could be because this art is specifically on human skin and also the fact that it is permanent, however, art is art, no matter what type of media you use. 
I can understand that there are a lot of dumb people in the world who get a lot of dumb and inappropriate tattoos, and when that is the case, I am against tattoos.
For example, I was at a waterpark a few years ago, waiting in line to go on a waterslide. An adult man was infront of me and i couldnt help but notice that he had a lot of tattoos on his body. This wouldn't have bothered me, however, I looked closer and saw multiple naked women.
That disgusted me.
Why would you tattoo multiple pictures of naked women on your body? Do you think you're cool? Do you think it will attract girls?
It is freaking creepy. No one wants to see that!! It is gross and frankly that man looked like white trash.
Would I have wanted to strike up a conversation with that man?
All becasue he had a ton of naked women tattooed on his arms and back.
However, If you are a fan of tattoos and you get beautiful pictures, I don't have any ill-feelings towards you. 
Some tattoos can be dazzlingly beautiful. 
These are nice examples of beautiful tattoos. These are works of art by a true artist.
Kudos to them.

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