Tuesday, February 11, 2014

They're gonna die anyway, why take these precautions?

Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injection?
This is honestly a great question.
They're going to die anyway, why take the time to make sure the needle is clean?
It wouldn't matter. 
I guess there is always that small chance that if the person is going to donate their body to science, that anything on the needle could destroy or harm the body. But how? If the human is dead, nothing more can happen to it except decomposition, right?
This subject truly has more to it than meets the eye, and frankly, I don't know enough about the relationship between bacteria and the human body (whether it's dead or alive). 
Granted, I am trying to think of ways that the in-sterilized needle can botch the donation, but I just cannot think of any.
My basic belief is, the body is dead, so there is nothing the harmful bacteria can do to it. Doesn't bacteria need something living to thrive? (Now, don't get me wrong, I realize bacteria is one of the man components to decomposition, but still..) 
Now, I apologize for the short post, but my knowledge in this field is quite limited.
So i bid thee adieu. 

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