Monday, September 30, 2013

Dream Catchers

What are these strange devices?
These odd, woven, feather decorated, items that hang from nails in a wall?
They say they catch the bad dreams and lets the good ones flow... But who can prove this? I guess no one can, but the idea that someone created this beautiful work of art is amazing. 
What if in a different demension, the dreams that the dream catchers catch are held and alive... 
Would that place be scary?? Like full of monsters, horrors, and other frightful things?
Or will it be filled with things we'd rather not think about whilst in our vacation escape that we call our dreams? Such as the bills, undone homework, or a love that isn't and will never work out?
Would it be a sorrowful place? Filled with the saddening memories of our lost loved ones? Are the dream catchers supposed to help us have better dreams?
Or are they really supposed to help us forget?
To help us forget everything that's burdening us, if only for a short while.
Does it give us that imaginary bliss of a perfect world?
Does it shelter us from evil?
Does it do anything at all?
Many people have their own opinions on this matter. Most think it's just spiritual mumbo-jumbo...
I think differently.
I think the natives knew something was going on with these magical little devices. I think they realized that it actually has these powers to help us.
That is why I actually own one; it hangs down from my ceiling fan, blowing in the constant wind. 
Does it protect me?
I'd like to think so. 
I, like many others, would love it I something could take away, even if it's only temporary, the badness of this world. The pain, the suffering, and allow only the bright happiness filter through like sun on a warm autumn day. 
I think we all deserve that moment of happiness, for we all go through so much.
Maybe this thing is the key...
The key to clarity.
To health.
To happiness....

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