(Sorry for all y'all who don't believe In this.)
Most people tend to imagine the stereotypical "heaven"; pearly white, fluffy clouds with strips of golden sunlight streaming through, all of it guarded by magnificent golden fence.
But what if someone doesn't believe in that heaven?
What if their vision is different?
For example, I have a friend who grew up catholic her whole life. Catholic school for 9 years, mass every week, the usual religious stuff. However, as she got older, she began to question her religion. Now she never goes to church, she has a sailors mouth, and never seems to pray (not at least from what I can see). One day I asked her that same heaven question. She replied with a very interesting answer:
"I don't think I want to believe in a afterlife where I'm trapped up in those god-forsaken clouds forever. I really wanna think that there is a whole new life waiting for me. I guess you could say my thoughts are sounding like reincarnation, and that's true I do believe in it; however, I wanna believe that when you die, you move to a whole new world. Maybe in one world, everyone is an animal! Or maybe magic exists as well as dragons and ALL of the mythical creatures!! Maybe in another we are able to bend the elements like that awesome TV show on Nick! Or that the world takes shape into one if your favorite books! That way, no matter what world you're in, you'll always have new experiences and memories. And if anyone says that's against the catholic religion I was born into, I'll just reply with, "Then that's my heaven.""
Well said my friend.
That last sentence really got me.
No matter what religion/beliefs you have your heart set on, we all seem to have "Our Own Heavens"
And to me, that is a very beautiful thing indeed.
My ponderings are with you my brave little souls.
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