Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Your Own Company For Company

I am not talking about a company that you can own or work for, I am talking about your own self.
Your own company.
Being by yourself.
Now, if you look around, society has seemed to deem it odd if you don’t have enough friends or if you don’t go out enough. They have even gone to the lengths to call those people “Introverts”. By giving these people that label, it would seem as if it was an insult. However, that is not the case. An introvert is a shy and reticent person. So in a nutshell, they prefer their own company than that of others. Is there anything wrong with that?
Absolutely not.
Then why have we deemed it such a bad thing? Why can we not just go out alone without receiving odd stares or glances? Personally, I can only take so much of the human race before I feel like I’m going to kill someone! So I find that some alone time is much needed and frankly, it is quite relaxing. I find that if I surround myself with too many people, I become lost in the crowd. It’s hard to be in a group. Now I am not saying to avoid all group contact all together; no. All I am saying is that both cases can be good for your sanity in equally portioned doses. Maybe one week you are totally social, talking to everyone and having a great time! But then you kind of get sick of those people, so the next week you kind of lay low and spend time with yourself. Or, if you never like to be completely alone, you can hang with one or two of your closer friends. There is never a wrong way to hang out. Hell, if you are a total social butterfly and never tire of being around people, good for you! Keep on doing what you love to do! If you prefer being alone most of the time, that’s awesome. Keep on doing that! I am not trying to say that you HAVE to be social or that you HAVE to spend time with yourself; I am just trying to show people that is doesn't matter how often you hang with people, as long as you are happy with where you are now, you should not feel bad about how often you go out.
Now, I wish all of you a grand day.

Blog out.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Limitless Imagination

Our minds can do the most amazing things, but the one thing that will never cease to amaze me is the amount of creativity it has. Its imagination can create the most amazing things. It can create things that never were, things that are, and things that will be.
But the best part is what it can do with that idea once it has it.
I shall begin this pondering with a nice and quick short story.
Recently I was talking to a friend and I asked him, “If you could have any animal as a pet, real or fake, what would it be?”
He listed off a few choice animals, but he really caught my attention when he said “a dragon”.
(Now, for those who know me, I am extremely obsessed with dragons)
So, me being me, I delved deeper into what his dragon was. I asked him what it looked like, how big it was, what body type did it have, the color of eyes, color of skin, size of his wings, and if he had any “special features” or not.  He very politely dealt with all of these questions and answered each one truthfully and, to my delight, very detailed.
(Now, you may also recall that I also dabble in drawing. I am not amazing by any means, but I try my hardest!)
So, after he has answered all of my extremely specific questions, I began my quest to draw his dragon.
Now, you may think, “what does a dragon have to do with imagination?”
I am here to tell you that dragons are probably the most imaginative creature ever to exist. Why? Because you can literally put anything on a dragon and it will still be considered a dragon. When it comes to these beasts, there is literally no limit to what they can do or look like. What I am trying to get at is that the brain is so amazing, that it can create multiple types of dragons in one minute. Some can have beaks, others a long snout. Some may have giant bat wings, others can have bird wings. Some have four legs, some have none and the combinations keep going on and on and on!

Now, I shall show you the prototype of my friends’ dragon. I showed him many drafts and he told me what to adjust so it would be a perfect representation of what he saw.
There you go! Hope y'all enjoy him!
Until later my bloggies!! 

What if We Could See Our Own Stars?

Now, don’t start to think that I mean our own tiny individual stars that we keep in our pockets.
What I mean is that we humans are made from the galaxy, the universe. We have stardust in our blood, a comets’ ion tail in our hair, and galaxies in our eyes. We are made up of the vast and beautiful frontier that is our universe. (Now, I am not trying to go against anyone’s belief. If you believe God or whatever made us that is fine-diddly-dandy. But I believe the Big Bang created everything, so that’s what I am going off of; science.)
But what if whenever we looked at someone, we could see it? What if you could see the sparkling stardust in their already silky hair? What if you could see the galaxies shine in their bright eyes? Do you think we would be glowing? Would we shine as bright as the suns we are made of? Or would it be a soft, gentle glow that gives off an almost warm and comforting feeling?
How would this effect our perception of each other as fellow Homo sapiens? Would we try to compare the color of our stardust to that other persons?
“OMG, Sally has such an ordinary color of stardust, I know she wishes she had gold like mine!”
Or would we complement each other on the amazing sparkle of the galaxy in our eyes?
“Gosh Myah, your eyes are the most brilliant shade of green, and with the galaxy adding a hint of gold, you look even more stunning.”
While this all seems fine and dandy, what if that possibility actually exists? Humans have a very limited range of sight on the spectrum. There is so much more that we could see! What if we could see all levels of the spectrum? We could see almost any color, no matter how little it is. Our world would open up in brilliant hues of scarlet red and electric blues, but would it also open up our eyes to the mini galaxies we hold within ourselves? Will we ever be able to see the sparkling stars in each other’s eyes? I personally would hope so. I would love to look into your blue eyes and see the comets dust and the stars’ glint in them. That beauty should be viable to us because we all deserve to see our true being.
Until next time,

Blog on my babes!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Such a strange substance water is.
It's clear, flowing, moving, life sustaining, but what I'm here to talk about is more than just the general use of water.
I'm here to talk about the effects of it in our mind and spirit.
Being a swimmer, I'm around water a lot. Not just around it but in it. Sometimes while I'm swimming those laps, I forget about what substance I'm in. I forget about the feeling, the smell, the taste. And for a second, I feel as if I'm floating in air. I sometimes forget that I just need to slow it down sometimes and really absorb what the water is doing. 
When I still had free time (which was a long time ago) I would go to the deep end of the pool, dive in, and just stay there. Stay there, underwater, and feel everything. I could feel the currents move around me, I could hear the splashes of others in the shallow end, and I could sense something else.
I never knew what that something else was until recently; that something else was, and is, the universe. Being underwater is like being in space. You're weightless, there is almost no sound, and the darkness is just pressing in on you.
However, this never scared me. My sences came to life down in that deep end and I felt different. 
I felt in tune with my surroundings.
I felt At peace with my mind.
I felt free.
I could do anything.
If I wanted to to a septuple flip, I could!!
If I wanted to be a mermaid, I could! 
The feel of the water on your body eventually fades until you cannot feel it at all. It feels like air.
The currents turn into breezes.
The sounds turn into distant and unimportant traffic.
But this clarity; this freedom, can be obtained at any time.
Some (by some I obviously mean most) people think that they do not have enough time in their life to take a quick dip in a pool.
Well I say, make time.
The effects of the water is much more than just relaxing, it's eye opening.
It's tranquility that is hard to find.
So this may not seem like a ponder, so here's the question I'll leave you with:
Do you think your body needs water, not only in the intake of it, but in the immersion of it?
Think about that.
Blog on. 
Water's Strong. 


Why are humans so afraid of the dark? what is it that scares us so? Many people would argue that it isn't the dark that they're afraid of, It's whats in it that gives them goosebumps. I guess that is what we get for always having light. Almost 24/7 every single day, we are surrounded by light. It is always shining, always illuminating us in its warm glow. But one would think that, now with today's technology, that our fear of something that you can't even hold should be gone!
That is totally wrong. Ever since our Ape-like ancestors walked this earth, we have feared the dark. To those cavemen, if you went out in the dark, you would die. This is probably a learned behavior, due to the fact that maybe whenever one of them did leave, they almost never came back. Now, with enough repetition, this behavior is now embedded into our genetic code. So this means that people who claim that they were never afraid of the dark are lying.
Everyone was afraid of the dark.
Sure, you can overcome your fear. you can overcome any fear! But if they claim that they were NEVER EVER afraid of the dark, they are totally big fat liars who cannot admit to their own weaknesses. But let me make this very clear, fears are not weaknesses. They are something that were there for a reason. to protect you. but now a days you may not need that protection.
So over come your fear of the dark.
Take the trash to the curb at night.
Walk your dog at night.
Lay out at night and look at the stars.
Over come it.
You can be stronger than this.
The dark can be your friend,
your ally.
All you need to do is embrace it. Accept the fact that you are scared. Be aware of how your body is reacting. Accept it, then overcome it.
Humans do not have to be afraid of the dark anymore.
I hope you all overcome at least one fear in your life.
For when you do, that feeling of accomplishment is unparalleled to anything else.
You will feel like you can do anything.
So get out there.
Conquer it.

Blog out.

Are Our Heads Trying to Tell Us Something?

No one likes these.
They're annoying.
They hurt.
They affect our focus.
They just suck.
Headaches need to be un-invented. 
But what if the reason we get headaches is because we aren't using our knowledge or creativity enough?
What if the pulsing pain is from all of those creative ideas just waiting to explode? 
What would our opinions on headaches be then?
Would we still hate them?
Or would we welcome them?
That beautiful burst of creativity could've come from that irritating and painful experience!! However, would you regret having that pain?
Would you want more?
Would people then get addicted to headaches?
Would it become just another way to get money?
However, if your use your creativity enough, you shouldn't even get headaches in the first place. Personally, I get very few headaches. The odd thing is  that I am always doodling. Always using my imagination. always being creative!!!
Now, I feel bad for those who aren't creative and imaginative. Imagine all Of the headaches they'd get!! 
they might need to get some aspirin,
However, this theory is most likely false because as I am writing this, I am getting a headache. My eyes itch and burn and my head is starting to pound.
I should probably stop typing, so I will.
Blog on babes and please enjoy this nice drawing!!

Earth Day

Well, since it is Earth Day, I decided to dedicate a whole post to our glorious planet. The Earth has many things for me to ponder about. The ocean, for example, is so vast and so deep that we know more about our own moon than we do our own ocean! Isn't that crazy? the deep murky depths of the ocean holds secrets that no one has heard. It holds treasures that are yet to be found. Will we ever discover what these secrets and treasures are? Perhaps not!
Maybe there actually are mermaids in our sea! Creatures with fish tails and gills that hunt the fish in the deep. These creatures have been talked and debated about since almost forever. They are usually depicted as beautiful women with fish tails that lure men into the deep so that they can kill them. but what if that isn't the case?
What if, in actuality, they are quite ugly and horrific? They could have these pale, flat, faces and gills. With creepy, slimy, moss-green hair! We might never know! but hopefully in the near future, we will have the technology needed to find these things and offer a great peace offering.
Or maybe, we could find the LEVIATHAN.
Leviathan is a sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. The word has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature. In literature it refers to great whales, and in Modern Hebrew, it simply means "whale". Many people who read the bible will remember reading about this mighty monster. It is said that he is so large that he can circle around the whole world and grab his own tail in his mouth. Even God is said to fear him.
Does this beast exist? Many would hope not, but think about it. He could be hiding. In the Mariana Trench, the depth can go up to more than the height of Mt. Everest! And it also goes to say that we haven't even scratched the surface of our deepest trench! He could be hiding down there.
Waiting for us to come and discover his magnificence. 
Now it is time that i ask you;
Do you believe?
Do you think these creatures, and more, are waiting for us at the bottom of the ocean?
Do you think we will ever become technologically advanced enough to ever find out?
Maybe not.

Blog out. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Night Time Bliss

Sleep is a very needed thing.
I find that funny and ironic because I'm staying up especially late to get this blog done. 
Not only does sleep regenerate our bodies and minds, but it unlocks the doors to our imagination.
Our dreams and worlds that are entirely our own. We create it. We run it. It's ours. 
No one can influence our dreams. No one can just enter our dream and take control.
That dream is ours. Sometimes you love it so much, you don't want to wake up.
Sometimes dreams are better than reality. And is that sad?
In a sense, yes.
But that's usually the case for us Homo sapiens. 
Our imaginations tend to illustrate our deepest desires and wants. seeing these things "come to life" In our dreams just proves to us that life would be better with these ideas/things. However these things aren't possible in this world, so we tend to want to stay in our dreams.
Our dreams, which are warm and comfortable.
Sure some may seem bad at the time, but they always end up giving you an amazing experience. 
An experience you'll never forget.  These dreams are your raw imagination. 
Let it flow.
Let it grow.
Let it travel. 
And let yourself drown in its tranquil depths. 
Let yourself flow.
Yeah. It's important.
I cannot imagine a world where dreaming is nonexistent. 
That world probably lacks colors. 
that world wouldn't be worth living in.
I, personally, would want to leave.
A world like that is no world for me.
It shouldn't be a world for anyone.
We all dream, why not embrace it?
sorry for the quick little thought, but it had to be said!
Dream on my bloggies. 
Dream on and be free. 
Free of mind.
And cares... 
Myah out.

Time Is the Master

3.156e+18 Nanoseconds,
3.156e+15 Microseconds,
3.156e+12 Milliseconds,
3.156e+9 Seconds,
5.259e+7 Minutes,
876,581 Hours,
36,524 Days,
5,218 Weeks,
1,200 Months,
100 Years,
10 Decades,
1 Century.
A weird thing that you can neither grasp, nor escape from.
An odd thing that humans created to make some things easier. You can pinpoint the exact time of tides, you can see the times that a movie is playing, you can arrange a time to hang out with a friend, you can time a runner and you can find the time of death.
Time, it seems, rules all.
But time can control you.
Recently, people have been getting obsessed with time. They can't find the time to spend time with their family, or you didn't have enough time to do your homework. You have to be at work or school at this specific time or you will be late. Things open and close at very specific times and people are told they will die at this time. 
It rules us.
It controls us.
But what if we never had time? 
Would life be better if it was never invented?
Maybe instead of feeling trapped within a 24 hour period every day, we could just go with the flow of day and night. Have fun without a care that you'll be late for your curfew or that you'll be late for school.
I have learned that when people are enjoying themselves, they forget about time all-together. They are too joyful to care about what time it is or how much has passed.
So the saying is true. Time does fly when you're having fun.
But what about catching planes? Or knowing movie times?
I guess sometimes, in order to have fun, you have to know the time.
What do you think?
Is time a curse or is it a gift?
Blog on.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Being humans, we can see a wide range of colors, ranging from the bloodiest red to the deepest blue and any color in-between. We have different shades of every basic color.
Our basic colors are: Red, Green, Orange, Blue, Black, Gray, and Yellow. And apparently there are MULITPLE shades of every color. There is a Timberwolf Grey, A Macaroni and Cheese Yellow, A Blizzard Blue, a Granny Smith Apple Green, a Razzmatazz Red, a Neon Carrot Orange, and tons of other crazy colors.
Now, if you ask me what the different between Mountain Meadow and Magic Mint was, I am afraid that I could not tell you. Their differences may be as miniscule as a single shade. ONE thing could be different about them, yet their colors are quite different when we see them. Isn't that amazing?
And what's more amazing is that every single color stems from the mother of all colors.
White is the basis of all color. Some dude awhile ago discovered this when he held one of his prism crystals up to the light, and then a rainbow of colors filled his room. The brilliant reds danced and fought with the vibrant oranges, while the blue gracefully zoomed and danced with the green. Imagine having what he had.
Imagine having a whole rainbow in the palm of your hand.
Imagine your rainbow filling your room with its beauty and engulfing you in the warmth of color.
Imagine seeing all the colors dance around as you move your crystal prism around, in and out of the light of the burning sun.
But what if we couldn't see that.
What if our ability to see this gorgeous color never existed?
How could we be us?
Humans thrive on color. We use color to express ourselves, not only in personality, but moods too! The phrase, "I am feeling blue" would never have existed. We would live in a cruel world of black and white.
It would be as if we were all stuck in a movie from 1950.
And boring.
But, to quickly change the subject, what if we aren't seeing every color? What if there is more than what we have already found? What if our rainbow isn't the only one to exist? Are we missing out on more than we realize? Are we looking at these new colors and not seeing them and their beauty? It is a downright shame that we might never know the answer to this question.
And I am sure than I am not alone when I say I wish I could see every color in existence.
I want to experience the beauty and warmth of it all.
But until we can find a way to do that, I'll be here blogging and wondering about colors.
Blog on.