Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Limitless Imagination

Our minds can do the most amazing things, but the one thing that will never cease to amaze me is the amount of creativity it has. Its imagination can create the most amazing things. It can create things that never were, things that are, and things that will be.
But the best part is what it can do with that idea once it has it.
I shall begin this pondering with a nice and quick short story.
Recently I was talking to a friend and I asked him, “If you could have any animal as a pet, real or fake, what would it be?”
He listed off a few choice animals, but he really caught my attention when he said “a dragon”.
(Now, for those who know me, I am extremely obsessed with dragons)
So, me being me, I delved deeper into what his dragon was. I asked him what it looked like, how big it was, what body type did it have, the color of eyes, color of skin, size of his wings, and if he had any “special features” or not.  He very politely dealt with all of these questions and answered each one truthfully and, to my delight, very detailed.
(Now, you may also recall that I also dabble in drawing. I am not amazing by any means, but I try my hardest!)
So, after he has answered all of my extremely specific questions, I began my quest to draw his dragon.
Now, you may think, “what does a dragon have to do with imagination?”
I am here to tell you that dragons are probably the most imaginative creature ever to exist. Why? Because you can literally put anything on a dragon and it will still be considered a dragon. When it comes to these beasts, there is literally no limit to what they can do or look like. What I am trying to get at is that the brain is so amazing, that it can create multiple types of dragons in one minute. Some can have beaks, others a long snout. Some may have giant bat wings, others can have bird wings. Some have four legs, some have none and the combinations keep going on and on and on!

Now, I shall show you the prototype of my friends’ dragon. I showed him many drafts and he told me what to adjust so it would be a perfect representation of what he saw.
There you go! Hope y'all enjoy him!
Until later my bloggies!! 

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