Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Why are humans so afraid of the dark? what is it that scares us so? Many people would argue that it isn't the dark that they're afraid of, It's whats in it that gives them goosebumps. I guess that is what we get for always having light. Almost 24/7 every single day, we are surrounded by light. It is always shining, always illuminating us in its warm glow. But one would think that, now with today's technology, that our fear of something that you can't even hold should be gone!
That is totally wrong. Ever since our Ape-like ancestors walked this earth, we have feared the dark. To those cavemen, if you went out in the dark, you would die. This is probably a learned behavior, due to the fact that maybe whenever one of them did leave, they almost never came back. Now, with enough repetition, this behavior is now embedded into our genetic code. So this means that people who claim that they were never afraid of the dark are lying.
Everyone was afraid of the dark.
Sure, you can overcome your fear. you can overcome any fear! But if they claim that they were NEVER EVER afraid of the dark, they are totally big fat liars who cannot admit to their own weaknesses. But let me make this very clear, fears are not weaknesses. They are something that were there for a reason. to protect you. but now a days you may not need that protection.
So over come your fear of the dark.
Take the trash to the curb at night.
Walk your dog at night.
Lay out at night and look at the stars.
Over come it.
You can be stronger than this.
The dark can be your friend,
your ally.
All you need to do is embrace it. Accept the fact that you are scared. Be aware of how your body is reacting. Accept it, then overcome it.
Humans do not have to be afraid of the dark anymore.
I hope you all overcome at least one fear in your life.
For when you do, that feeling of accomplishment is unparalleled to anything else.
You will feel like you can do anything.
So get out there.
Conquer it.

Blog out.

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