Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Night Time Bliss

Sleep is a very needed thing.
I find that funny and ironic because I'm staying up especially late to get this blog done. 
Not only does sleep regenerate our bodies and minds, but it unlocks the doors to our imagination.
Our dreams and worlds that are entirely our own. We create it. We run it. It's ours. 
No one can influence our dreams. No one can just enter our dream and take control.
That dream is ours. Sometimes you love it so much, you don't want to wake up.
Sometimes dreams are better than reality. And is that sad?
In a sense, yes.
But that's usually the case for us Homo sapiens. 
Our imaginations tend to illustrate our deepest desires and wants. seeing these things "come to life" In our dreams just proves to us that life would be better with these ideas/things. However these things aren't possible in this world, so we tend to want to stay in our dreams.
Our dreams, which are warm and comfortable.
Sure some may seem bad at the time, but they always end up giving you an amazing experience. 
An experience you'll never forget.  These dreams are your raw imagination. 
Let it flow.
Let it grow.
Let it travel. 
And let yourself drown in its tranquil depths. 
Let yourself flow.
Yeah. It's important.
I cannot imagine a world where dreaming is nonexistent. 
That world probably lacks colors. 
that world wouldn't be worth living in.
I, personally, would want to leave.
A world like that is no world for me.
It shouldn't be a world for anyone.
We all dream, why not embrace it?
sorry for the quick little thought, but it had to be said!
Dream on my bloggies. 
Dream on and be free. 
Free of mind.
And cares... 
Myah out.

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