Monday, December 16, 2013

Pet Sweaters

Whether it is chilly outside or not, people always seem to dress their pets in sweaters whenever winter, and more specifically Christmas, rolls around. Now, today I was sitting at my desk and wondering to myself, why are we all into putting our pets into hideous plaid and diamond patterned red and green sweaters? What of that appeals to us??? Well, one can say that our instincts have us see our pets as our own children (and granted, I do call my kitten, Roku, my "little boy") so, as the parents, we do what we believe is best for our wittle babies.
We put sweaters on them.
Not only does it make them about 2000000% cuter, but we can also breathe easier knowing that the harsh winds if winter won't chill our presious little gems to the bone. 
But what if you live in a place that never gets to cold? Do you still put a sweater on your pet?
Maybe so! 
I'm not one to speak for everyone, but I'd assume that some would still dress their cats up in sweaters. Maybe it's more of a fad/fashion statement than actual concern for the creature itself. 
My family does not, however, put sweaters on our cats. All of our cats are outdoor cats and I don't think we would like to spend money on a sweater just so that they can get it ruined out in the world.
Now don't get me wrong! It can get crazy cold where I live and I have considered buying one for my own baby. But I never do. Whenever he is cold, I let him inside so that he can warm his little paw-pads by the fire and drink fresh cream from a porcelain bowl. (Ok, I may have over exaggerated how pampered he really is, but I believe he deserves that much! That's all that really matters!) 
Ok, so to wrap this up quickly, I'll say that pet sweaters are more of a fashion statement and a fad than actual concern for our pets well-being. But that doesn't mean pet-sweaters are bad! I personally support the use of them!! I mean, come on! A cat wearing sweater?? Who wouldn't love that?! 
(Well here's a picture of my baby, Roku... Yes I realize that he is lacking the proper winter apparel, but he's fat. He don't need anything else to warm him!!)


It's that time of year again!
The holiday lights go up, the Christmas songs are played on the radio, trees are decorated in homes, and people give gifts to eachother. 
The mood that Christmas time sets up is a rather warm and fuzzy feeling. But when it comes to gift giving, some people get rather sour. 
While there are the folks who love to give gifts to others, sometimes the receiver gets angry. I know that if I receive a gift, I feel compelled to give one back. It doesn't feel right unless I've evened it all out. Equivalent exchange. Others are just plain ungrateful for what they get.
For example, if you participate in a "Secret Santa" thing at school or work, what you have to realize is that you may not like what you receive. Gift exchanges like that are tricky because the person who may get your name might not know you well enough to get you something you'd like! You have to keep that in mind while they walk up to you with a sheepish smile on their face and hand you the box. Games like that, I feel, are more about the thought that counts rather then the extravagance of the gift. Realizing how difficult it could've been for them to figure out what to get you may make you think twice before you dislike what you recieved. 
Personally, I hate giving gifts because you could be my best friend and I still wouldn't know what to get you! Of course I always try to get them stuff I think they'd like, and they end up loving, but I find the hunt for the perfect thing a rather taxing job.
So, again, I caution you:
Don't think about the gift, think about what it means and the effort that was probably put into it. 
It's the season of giving, not the season of wanting.
Give a gift this year and make someone's day! 
It could either be an extravagant gift, or it could be something simple, like taking them out to lunch. Either way, it's an act of kindness that will make their Christmas season special.

Blog on my babes! ;)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Follow Your Heart??

Everyone that you know has heard the saying, "Follow your heart!", but have any of you thought why?
Why follow your heart? 
Sure your heart isn't your brain, but it can still have feelings!! 
You see someone you like, your heart lurches a little. 
You witness some act of kindness and your heart feels like it's swelling with emotion.
All in all, I can see why people would want to follow their hearts... But they fail to realize that their hearts aren't their brains. Your heart shouldn't be the one who is conducting your actions. When people say, "Follow your heart!" In the relationship-type of way, then they're saying "throw all caution and common sense out the window and go for this person!" 
Well I say 
That can be a grave mistake for you in the future! You could follow your heart and put all of your love and trust into one person and they can just cut you off like you were some hideous parasite or something. Once that's been done, where will you be then? 
I'll tell you where you'll be;
Feeling sorry for yourself. Well, I bet ten bucks that if you listened to your brains for just a moment, you could've seen that coming. You could've taken a step back and seen what was about to be. But it's okay. Life will go on and now you've learned from your mistake.

The same can also be said for "Following your heart" when it comes to your dreams.
Go ahead! Follow your heart!! But in this case, I'd change the phrase to "follow your dreams". That way, you still remember that it is only a dream. Sure it may or may not happen, but that shouldn't stop you from perusing it with all your heart! 
So, for me to rephrase that once again;
"Follow your dreams with all your heart."
I think that sounds rather nice, don't you think?
It's realistic and totally uplifting.
You can follow your dreams with all of your heart and you still might not achieve them. 
But who cares? You got close. 
And close is better than not trying at all.
So kudos to you!

That's all I really have to say tonight!! Blog on my babes!!
And I hope these first few weeks of December are treating you well!
Oh, and Follow your dreams with all of your heart. :) 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Firey-ness of Dragons

Since the beginning of their creation, dragons have always been associated with fire. They breathe it, they live in it, and they love it.
But why fire? why not some other element?
Why did it have to be fire?
Well, I think it's because fire is scary. sure its full of life, color, warmth, and security, but it is a scary substance. It can consume.
It can burn.
It can kill.
It only makes sense that the scariest creature should yield the scariest weapon.
Back in the medieval times, when dragons were very popular, fire was their only source of light and heat. The humans knew very little about fire. They didn't have fire extinguishers, they weren't nearly as smart and educated as we are now, and they didn't know how to adequately treat burns. to them, dragons were terrifying beasts that couldn't be stopped.
Of course I realize that dragons aren't real, and that the threat of them was also not real. However, people might have been scared. We cannot truly know what they feared back then!
Anyway, they were probably wary of fire. So giving a monstrous mythical beast the ability to just breathe that substance would provoke fear in anyone.
The good thing is, now a days dragons have all sorts of breathing abilities!
There are water dragons, earth dragons, air dragons (THE DRAGON AVATAR!!!!), Lightning dragons, sonic wave dragons, frost/ice dragons, lava dragons, steam dragons, and the list goes on and on! Maybe more types were created because as we as a human species evolved, so did our fears. some stayed and some left. Our fear of dragons has left because we now know how to conquer flames. So, to keep the magic alive, we created a whole new breed of dragon! well, not just one, but dozens of new breeds!
Personally, I think that humans need imagination to stay sane. You can define "sane" however you like, but I firmly believe that we need imagination. Dragons are an excellent form of human imagination.
without dragons, I think our history would be rather boring.
Dragons give us a spice that makes us seem like a race that has conquered that mighty beast! We are better than those creatures! (even though, if you have read my past posts, you'd know I don't think that. I'm only saying it because other people might believe that.)
All in all, Dragons and fire go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Its weird having one without the other.
Until Next time!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why is Poor Old First the Worst?

We all know that saying:
"First is the worst,
Second is the best,
Third is the one with the treasure chest."
But who ever decided that first truly was the worst? Obviously it isn't if we all wanna be first. Whether it's first in line or first in the Olympics, we all want to win. For example, when I was in 1st grade or so, I specifically remember that, after an extremely hot recess, I was 2nd in line at the coldest water fountain in the school. I was an impatient little child (and extremely thirsty) and decided that I didn't want to be second, I wanted to be first. So I rapped the kid in front of me on the shoulder and nicely ask if he'd let me go infront of him. Obviously he said no. So then I quickly changed my friendly tactic to a cunning one. I mentioned that little rhyme, insinuating that by being first he was therefore dubbed the worst, and he, being as young as i was, totally believed it. He didn't want to be the worst! A cool drink of water, to him, wasn't worth being called the worst.
Me, however couldn't care less if I was the queen of "worse", I just wanted that drink. So, of course, I got what I wanted with the help of that handy dandy little rhyme. 
Now, back to my main topic:
Why is first the worst? 
Was this little rhyme created for the same reason I used it for all those years ago? A means of almost blackmail? Or is it mere child's play? I don't hear that little rhyme in the halls of my high school. Because now that everyone is grown (or growing) up, they've learned to not care if one stupid saying states that they're the worst.
As for the blackmail, think about it. Back when you were a child, you probably wanted to fit in like a lot of others. Now that want mixed with our small IQ's can create a combination that would make us despise being called or seen as "the worst". Of course we wouldn't understand that that title didn't matter at all, for we were only children. How were we supposed to know that most likely no one else would learn that you got dubbed as "the worst"? 
We didn't! So if one person said that we were the worst, by god it must be true! It's amazing to think that so many kids at that young Age strive to become accepted or seen as normal.
Me, as a child, couldn't care less. I already understood at that age that those stupid titles don't mean diddly squat. However I also realized that 99% of the other kids did not know that! So I began to use that weakness in others to my advantage.
I wanted to be first in the lunch line?
"Oh, well didn't you know that first is the worst?"
I really had to pee but there was a line?
"I mean, first is the worst..."
First to go out for recess?
"Did you know that second was the best?... Because, ya know, first... It's the worst."
Many of my classmates believed me and gladly gave up their first-spots to me. I wasn't complaining! I got what I wanted!
However, as I grew up Iearned that it stopped working.
So what I can say is that first is totally not the worst, unless you're first while going into a booby-trapped tomb... Then in that case, you might wanna be second...
That stupid little saying must've been conceived as a way for children to cooperate and as a means of childish blackmail.
That's all for now! 
Until next time my pretties!


Now, these little creatures are universally hated. Only a small number of people actually like these Arachnids. They see these creatures just like we see dogs and cats. 
They're probably crazy. I'm sure the spider venom has gotten to their brain and infected them to insanity. Who would like these creatures?
But since this is a blog about ponderings, i do have a "plot-twist-like" thought to think about.
What if these 8-legged freaks have a greater meaning in our lives? Their venom is crazy deadly (well depending on the spider) so what if the military harnessed the power of the spiders venom? Could they find a way to make the venom into aerosol and then used it as bombs? What would the effect of the venom be? What would become Of the poor souls that are caught in the explosion? 
Could a spider venom war break out? Should we keep a closer watch on them?? Maybe. But we cannot round up all of our spiders and keep them under lock and key!! That would be kinda difficult. What we can do is moniter the spiders of the world. I mean, it would be pretty obvious if all of the Black Widows in Australia suddenly went missing, right?  Not that anyone would complain, because their venom is scarily poisonous... 
Spiders could be used as weapons of war. That would not only be terribly scary, but there is only so much antivemom available. That means only a few soldiers might be able to be saved. The death till would be extremely high.
Why did I even think of this.
Oh god.
Someone's gonna take this idea and actually make it happen.
I don't wanna be responsible for thousands of deaths.
Just ignore this Idea then... 
Blog on.
And avoid spiders please.

Monday, October 21, 2013


who doesn't have a favorite blanket? I know I do. It's totally pink on one side (which so happens to be the softest side) and brown with pink polka dots on the other. My aunt gave it to me when I was about 10. I still use it every day.
So what is it with humans and their blankets? (I won't call them security blankets for the sake of some of my readers who may still have one) why do we just ADORE them? 
Is it the softness?
Is it the colors?
Is it the warmth?
The truth is, it could very well be any of these! Being me, I know I love the cold! (I'm being serious. I seriously pray for snow in the summer) But I still adore my blankets! Blankets, I know, keep you warm. Now some may ask, "If you like the cold so much, why do you wanna be warm?" Well folks, the truth is, Iove being warm. Now don't mix that up with hot. I hate being hot. But I love being that perfect "warm". Something about it is so comforting.
Now add that comforting warmth and add something extremely soft.
VOILA!! You've got a blanket!
So people, we can assume, like to be comfortably warm, and just comfortable in general. 
Maybe that love goes all the way back to our womb life when we were all fetuses. We were shrouded in warmth.
Comfortable warmth.
So maybe that comfortable warmth is, well, comforting! 
Maybe the answer to my question is more simple than it seems! 
Maybe we just like them because reasons. 
sorry bout this short pat but I really am totally dead-tired.
Good nighty bloggies!
Keep blogging!!!!! 


Such a strange substance water is.
It's clear, flowing, moving, life sustaining, but what I'm here to talk about is more than just the general use of water.
I'm here to talk about the effects of it in our mind and spirit.
Being a swimmer, I'm around water a lot. Not just around it but in it. Sometimes while I'm swimming those laps, I forget about what substance I'm in. I forget about the feeling, the smell, the taste. And for a second, I feel as if I'm floating in air. I sometimes forget that I just need to slow it down sometimes and really absorb what the water is doing. 
When I still had free time (which was a long time ago) I would go to the deep end of the pool, dive in, and just stay there. Stay there, underwater, and feel everything. I could feel the currents move around me, I could hear the splashes of others in the shallow end, and I could sense something else.
I never knew what that something else was until recently; that something else was, and is, the universe. Being underwater is like being in space. You're weightless, there is almost no sound, and the darkness is just pressing in on you.
However, this never scared me. My sences came to life down in that deep end and I felt different. 
I felt in tune with my surroundings.
I felt At peace with my mind.
I felt free.
I could do anything.
If I wanted to to a septuple flip, I could!!
If I wanted to be a mermaid, I could! 
The feel of the water on your body eventually fades until you cannot feel it at all. It feels like air.
The currents turn into breezes.
The sounds turn into distant and unimportant traffic.
But this clarity; this freedom, can be obtained at any time.
Some (by some I obviously mean most) people think that they do not have enough time in their life to take a quick dip in a pool.
Well I say, make time.
The effects of the water is much more than just relaxing, it's eye opening.
It's tranquility that is hard to find.
So this may not seem like a ponder, so here's the question I'll leave you with:
Do you think your body needs water, not only in the intake of it, but in the immersion of it?
Think about that.
Blog on. 
Water's Strong. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


No one likes these.
They're annoying.
They hurt.
They affect our focus.
They just suck.
Headaches need to be un-invented. 
But what if the reason we get headaches is because we aren't using our knowledge or creativity enough?
What if the pulsing pain is from all of those creative ideas just waiting to explode? 
What would our opinions on headaches be then?
Would we still hate them?
Or would we welcome them?
That beautiful burst of creativity could've come from that irritating and painful experience!! However, would you regret having that pain?
Would you want more?
Would people then get addicted to headaches?
Would it become just another way to get money?
However, if your use your creativity enough, you shouldn't even get headaches in the first place. Personally, I get very few headaches. The odd thing is  that I am always doodling. Always using my imagination. always being creative!!!
Now, I feel bad for those who aren't creative and imaginative. Imagine all Of the headaches they'd get!! 
they might need to get some aspirin,
However, this theory is most likely false because as I am writing this, I am getting a headache. My eyes itch and burn and my head is starting to pound.
I should probably stop typing, so I will.
Blog on babes and please enjoy this nice drawing!!


I know that when you first see the word "Token", you automatically think of those silly gold coins you earn from playing those sketchy games at Chuck-E-Cheese just so you can get a stupid prize that's worth about fifty cents.
I'm not here to tell you that that's wrong, I'm just here to say that that's not the only type of token. 
Tokens are known around the world. They're universal.
Everyone has a token; something that they keep in their house or room, that has more meaning than what you think it does.
These tokens can be tokens to lost loved ones, tokens of gratitude to the brave United States soldiers, or tokens of faith.
Tokens of religion.
Tokens of guardians.
People all around the world believe that some object has some type of deeper spiritual meaning and use. That that little piece of junk you found at the Cellar Door on 1st Ave. is more than what it leads on to be. 
What if it's a guardian?
Can it really help you?
Save you?
Protect you?
Maybe, maybe not. 
I'm not one to say, however I can give some rather good examples of these "tokens".
In China, it is believed that the dragon is a spiritual and all-knowing spirit. It is highly praised and worshipped. Couples name their kids 龍 (dragon) in honor of the dragon. So it makes perfect sense that if you have some sort of dragon token in your house or room, that it's greatness would protect you and grant you wisdom. I, personally, would like to believe this for, In my own room, I have 3 dragon tokens. Two of which hang off of a window or above my bed, the third sits on my bookcase. Now I strategically placed my dragons in a way so that their "guardian powers" connect and make a secure circle around my bed. I want to believe that they are watching over me.
Now, other tokens in history are the cross. Many people of different faiths have crosses in their house. It is a universal symbol, and I'm not one to say what it represents for that opinion may vary for other people. However, I can and will say that it is a comforting thing to have in a room. Knowing that it's there makes me feel safer. (No demons are gonna possess me tonight!! No sir'ee!) you can easily spot crosses in almost every American house.
Other tokens include the Dreamcatcher (see earlier blog post to understand where my opinion is on the subject of these fascinating tokens) and some can just be random things. For example, in my room, I also have a wooden elephant head that is hanging near my mirror. My favorite animal is the elephant, so, naturally, I feel better knowing and believing that that head is sitting there, whatching me. I firmly believe that since I love that animal so much, it'll love me the same and protect me from unknowable and unseeable things. 
Now, I know some if you guys are visual, so I included an artsy collage of all of the tokens in my room! Enjoy!
These all hang/sit in my room somewhere. I have each for a different reason. Some I have explained why, others I'd rather not.
I firmly hope I got your mind whirring at the thoughts of the "Tokens". 
It truly is an interesting subject. 
Until next time, my bloggies.
blog on.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Sleep is a very needed thing.
I find that funny and ironic because I'm staying up especially late to get this blog done. 
Not only does sleep regenerate our bodies and minds, but it unlocks the doors to our imagination.
Our dreams and worlds that are entirely our own. We create it. We run it. It's ours. 
No one can influence our dreams. No one can just enter our dream and take control.
That dream is ours. Sometimes you love it so much, you don't want to wake up.
Sometimes dreams are better than reality. And is that sad?
In a sense, yes.
But that's usually the case for us Homo sapiens. 
Our imaginations tend to illustrate our deepest desires and wants. seeing these things "come to life" In our dreams just proves to us that life would be better with these ideas/things. However these things aren't possible in this world, so we tend to want to stay in our dreams.
Our dreams, which are warm and comfortable.
Sure some may seem bad at the time, but they always end up giving you an amazing experience. 
An experience you'll never forget.  These dreams are your raw imagination. 
Let it flow.
Let it grow.
Let it travel. 
And let yourself drown in its tranquil depths. 
Let yourself flow.
Yeah. It's important.
I cannot imagine a world where dreaming is nonexistent. 
That world probably lacks colors. 
that world wouldn't be worth living in.
I, personally, would want to leave.
A world like that is no world for me.
It shouldn't be a world for anyone.
We all dream, why not embrace it?
sorry for the quick little thought, but it had to be said!
Dream on my bloggies. 
Dream on and be free. 
Free of mind.
And cares... 
Myah out.

Alternate Universes & Reincarnation

Some people believe in reincarnation.
Some believe in alternate universes. 
Are they related? Are they the same thing? Well, that's what I'm here to ponder about. 
Reincarnation is the belief that after you die, you come back again as someone else. 
The idea of Alternate universes is thinking that there are other worlds thand ours, perhaps not in our demension. Usually this Sci-Fi thought is the center of many movies, but it truly is something to think about. 
What if, when you die, you're reincarnated into an alternate universe?
What if you've lives a thousand lives before this one, but this is the first like you've had on earth.
Is is possible that you could've been a wolf in one of your past lives?
Yes! It is possible! One of these universes could've been a world FILLED with wolves! 
Obviously, we have no memory of such places, but what if that's just a side effect of the reincarnation? We've all had déjà Vu!!! What if that déjà Vu moment was actually a forgotten memory of one of your past lives? 
That whole "have I met you before?" Question can be answered! Maybe you have met them before, it's just that you were in a different life and universe! Maybe there are people whose friendship is so strong, it can transcend lifetimes. Maybe you were just meant to know that person. Obviously they had an impact in one of your past lives, maybe they can impact you in this one! 
We should all keep open minds! For something could happen, and while we probably think it's crazy or bad, It might be something from our past life trying to just help you again! 
Why do you think we have no memories of our other lives??
Well it's a simple answer, really.
We don't remember, because if we did,
1) we'd be too smart
2) we wouldn't make new mistakes 
3) we would know everything
4) exploration would seem pointless
And 5) new friends would be hard to come by.
For if you remembered all of your other life experiences, chances are that you've provably met everyone in the world.
Another thought is, you know that feeling of your soul being too old for your body? Like you're all worn down and tired?
Maybe that's because you're souls is too old for your body!! God knows how many lives you've lived! And the final question is, will we ever stop?
I think we will stop, when our souls and spirits say we should stop:) 

~open your mind my bloggies.
~inspiration is everywhere.
Please enjoy this drawing of a crazy creature that I created:) 
Imagination is limitless! 
Who knows! Maybe I was this animal in another life!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Dream Catchers

What are these strange devices?
These odd, woven, feather decorated, items that hang from nails in a wall?
They say they catch the bad dreams and lets the good ones flow... But who can prove this? I guess no one can, but the idea that someone created this beautiful work of art is amazing. 
What if in a different demension, the dreams that the dream catchers catch are held and alive... 
Would that place be scary?? Like full of monsters, horrors, and other frightful things?
Or will it be filled with things we'd rather not think about whilst in our vacation escape that we call our dreams? Such as the bills, undone homework, or a love that isn't and will never work out?
Would it be a sorrowful place? Filled with the saddening memories of our lost loved ones? Are the dream catchers supposed to help us have better dreams?
Or are they really supposed to help us forget?
To help us forget everything that's burdening us, if only for a short while.
Does it give us that imaginary bliss of a perfect world?
Does it shelter us from evil?
Does it do anything at all?
Many people have their own opinions on this matter. Most think it's just spiritual mumbo-jumbo...
I think differently.
I think the natives knew something was going on with these magical little devices. I think they realized that it actually has these powers to help us.
That is why I actually own one; it hangs down from my ceiling fan, blowing in the constant wind. 
Does it protect me?
I'd like to think so. 
I, like many others, would love it I something could take away, even if it's only temporary, the badness of this world. The pain, the suffering, and allow only the bright happiness filter through like sun on a warm autumn day. 
I think we all deserve that moment of happiness, for we all go through so much.
Maybe this thing is the key...
The key to clarity.
To health.
To happiness....


Is it possible to force an animal to love you like its own parent? I know that for birds there is that whole "imprinting" thing, but what about animals like my own cat?
I have a cat named Roku. He is almost a year and a half old. He is a black and white farm cat I got for my birthday. I've known him since he was 2 weeks old.
To explain even further, ever since I was a child, I've wanted a pet of my very own. That means it has to love me the most and want to be around me. 
So when I first saw Roku, I knew it had to start ASAP. So I started handling him a lot and making him comfortable In my presence. Now, when I took him home a month later, I told my whole family, "only I can feed him, give him water, play with him, change his litter box, and I must be the first person he sees everyday and the last one he sees." 
My family thought I was crazy, but they obliged to my wishes. 
So, in addition to the 100% me time with him, I also mimicked the sounds his mom would make to him. 
Now Roku is older and he treats me like royalty. I'm his Favorite person in the household, he comes when I whistle/call his name, he loves my room, and he cuddles with only me.
Now, I know you would think that it is possible to force an animal to love you, but this is just one example. What if everything I did had no effect and he just likes me because he can? 
Maybe he likes me cause I was the nicest to him. I mean, you can't force an animal to love you of you're cruel to them. That's just not possible (and it's mean too!!). 
I don't know if what I did would work on other animals... I do notice that Roku adores my father. Is it because they're both males? Ya know... That odd male-bond-thing  that they all seem to have with eachother... It's weird. Roku still prefers me, but he will sometimes choose my father over me. And nothing I do can change his opinion! 
Maybe you can't force anything.
Maybe it's just the time spent and the memories made with the animal that really creates that bond. For love is true, especially when you both share an equal affection for eachother. 
(And in my case, Roku is my baby boy and I seem to be his mommy!)
Here is a nice picture of him sleeping on my bed while I write this blog entry.
His love is truley eternal. 
They're awesome.

Monday, September 23, 2013

"Well, That's MY heaven"

Most of us have been asked throughout our years of life what we think heaven will be like. 
(Sorry for all y'all who don't believe In this.)
Most people tend to imagine the stereotypical "heaven"; pearly white, fluffy clouds with strips of golden sunlight streaming through, all of it guarded by magnificent golden fence.
But what if someone doesn't believe in that heaven? 
What if their vision is different?
For example, I have a friend who grew up catholic her whole life. Catholic school for 9 years, mass every week, the usual religious stuff. However, as she got older, she began to question her religion. Now she never goes to church, she has a sailors mouth, and never seems to pray (not at least from what I can see). One day I asked her that same heaven question. She replied with a very interesting answer:
"I don't think I want to believe in a afterlife where I'm trapped up in those god-forsaken clouds forever. I really wanna think that there is a whole new life waiting for me. I guess you could say my thoughts are sounding like reincarnation, and that's true I do believe in it; however, I wanna believe that when you die, you move to a whole new world. Maybe in one world, everyone is an animal! Or maybe magic exists as well as dragons and ALL of the mythical creatures!! Maybe in another we are able to bend the elements like that awesome TV show on Nick! Or that the world takes shape into one if your favorite books! That way, no matter what world you're in, you'll always have new experiences and memories. And if anyone says that's against the catholic religion I was born into, I'll just reply with, "Then that's my heaven.""
Well said my friend. 
That last sentence really got me.
No matter what religion/beliefs you have your heart set on, we all seem to have "Our Own Heavens"
And to me, that is a very beautiful thing indeed.
My ponderings are with you my brave little souls. 


Who invented blogging?
Who so desperately needed to have their personal opinions heard that they created a whole new thing for it? 
Is there really even a point to it?
Why is it that us Homo sapiens need to, so desperately, express our opinions, even though we know others will think differently?? 
Does it fulfill that void inside of us that longs to be heard and understood?
Does is make us feel any smarter for thinking in a different way than everyone else?? 
Or do we simply use it to vent? For when people usually express their opinions, it is in a state of anger or irritation. Did the inventor of blogging just create it for the purpose of an online diary? 
Some of you may think that, "well, this doesn't pertain to all blogging subjects!" 
Well, my dear friends, I beg to differ. 
For example, if someone's blog is about vacation spots they've visited and loved/hated, there are going to be a select few who have been to those spots and have had the opposite experience. Most likely, they're going to voice that experience in the comments of said blog; probably in the manner of, "Oh, me and my husband went there on our honeymoon and had terrible service. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it."
Ya see that?? 
Did ya catch it??
That commentor used a special word! Can you guess what it is?
Well stop guessing. It was "personally". By them adding that simple word, they turned a harmless comment into a biased opinion of that place; thus, trying to make others think their exact same way. Their terrible experience probably made them pretty pissed. (I know I would be... "NO TIP FOR YOU YA LOUSY SERVICERS!!")
ANYWAY, It's true that they were probably saying that to warn people, but, They still posted that comment out of angry bias towards that poor and shameful resort. 
We are an opinion-driven race... 
On a happier note, I noticed I haven't shown you any pictures of my cat Roku!! Well I plan on fixing that right now!!
Ain't he just the cutest darned thing you've ever done seen?? :D
Well enough fan-girling over him, for I have finished my point.
Stay bloggin'!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How Far is "Too Far"?

Now, this isn't a very descriptive subject; nonetheless, I shall pursue it.
How far is "too far"? Well, that depends on what subject you're talking about. Talking about taking a trip? In that case if you pass your turn, you've gone too far.
But enough with that simple and easily explained example. What about us, the Homo Sapiens? How far is too far for our own souls to handle? That, I think, depends on our own life experiences. How have we been emotionally and physically hurt? If, for example, your parents were abusive, how far is too far when it comes to your tolerance? How will that make you act around other people? It might always seem that you're thinking, "I can't stand it anymore. One more fight and I swear I'm going to explode and leave this place forever!". Unfortunately, more fights come and you still tolerate them; just barely.
But where is that line drawn?
When will it be snapped?
What will happen?
One can only guess, but, for the sake of this blog, I shall try.
If that line is crossed, you will explode. I personally think that all of your emotion's will start pouring out of you all at once; the pain from all the fighting, the sadness of feeling unloved, the anger at your parents (and possibly friends), the loneliness that you have shrouded yourself in, and the confusion of "what do I do now?". All these things rush through you like a tidal wave from a blasted dam. You start drowning in all this, and as you fade to the calm blackness of the water, you realize how much you have been hurt, not only emotionally, but psychologically as well; And this scares you.
Is there any lasting damage from all of that? How will I turn out when I'm older?
You don't know. No one does.
During your trip in those white water rapids, you start saying and doing things that you'll probably regret later. However, life is full of bad choices, and your guilt will eventually fade in the end. And then life will go on. You'll wash up on a dry, sandy shore sometime later. However, you'll feel cleaner than you have ever felt. Maybe sometimes we all need to have our souls pushed "Too Far", just so we can cleanse ourselves and start a new.
How far is "Too Far"?
Far enough to take you somewhere new, and hopefully, better.
Blog on my friends...
Blog on.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Is "Sure" worse than "K"?

Sorry for not posting lately!! I couldn't find anything to post about!! However, when I asked my dear friend if they wanted to hang out, they replied with "Sure". Now, I don't know if it's just me, but whenever someone answers one of my questions with "Sure", it just pisses me off. Do you even WANT to hang out? Are you not excited? What's up?? Show some damned emotion! I'm not forcing you to do anything! A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice. 
I don't really know why "sure" pisses me off, but it's probably the same reason "K" pisses people off. You really can't explain it in words; but just that short, blunt answer offends us somehow. Weather it's the assumed lack of enthusiasm, it just the shortness that takes us aback. Sometimes when we get all excited to hang with a friend you hope that they share that same excitement!! However, maybe some is take that "k" or "sure" as a synonym for "I don't really care, but I guess I should do this" and that really offends us! But we cannot force others to be excited for what we are excited for! (If you could do that, I totally would. "Hey guys! Monkeys just became extinct!" "HOORAY!!") unfortunately, that power of the human mind does not exist yet. (YET.) For now, all I can do is express my severe annoyance at the terrible usage of "Sure".
Blog on my friends.
Blog on.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Subbed Teachers: Are They REALLY Needed?

Hello my fellow blog-ies! There has been a thought bothering me lately, and I need to express it! 
What is the point of substitute teachers if all they do is sit and do nothing?
Now, I know all subs are different and it also depends on what instructions the actual teacher leaves, however, most just tell you what to do once, then sit and leave you be. Why couldn't class just be cancelled? Do you honestly think the students are gonna stay focused the WHOLE TIME? we all know they won't. Most just goof off and do nothing! (Including yours truly!) if class was cancelled, it would give students a nice, and well earned, free period! Maybe they want to nap! Maybe they want to be outside! All I know is that it seems like almost a waste of a class if a teacher hires a very unproductive substitute teacher. I'm currently writing this post in a class with a unproductive substitute teacher as we speak! So I speak from experience! Now, another thing to ponder;
To those teachers who actually hire and leave a plan for a good substitute teacher, why?
You know that your beloved students will realize that since you're gone, they don't have to listen of behave. (We all know that isn't the case because the subs usually give feedback to said absent teacher about how all the classes went that day) However, that outcome of crazy students is inevitable. So why even bother? Just cancel class! Let them be the study hall teachers problem!! (Who knows! You, teacher, may not like said study hall teacher! IT'S REVENGE TIME!!! MUAHAHAHAH MAKE THEM TAKE YOUR TERRIBLE AND UNRULY CHILDREN!!) This may reflect badly on your job, so I may not recommend this idea (or "Ponder" I guess) but it IS something to think about!! 
Please enjoy this picture of a dragon I drew whilst in this Subbed class!! 
And until next time, keep pondering my friends!! 

In the Beginning, There was Me

Welcome to my blog! As the name suggests, it will be all about my ponderings and thoughts throughout the day. These thoughts can vary from ordinary to extraordinary. You may want to buckle yourself in because it's gonna get crazy in here!
I doubt you want to know anything about me, however, if you do, I will tell you.
I am a female who happily enjoys reading fiction, watching TV, and enjoying the outdoors. (especially if it's fall or winter!)
I have four cats, Charlie, Desmond, Lucy, and Roku! Roku is my favorite. He is a black and white farm cat that I got for my birthday last year. expect some pictures of him.
if any of my ponderings interest you, please comment your opinions!! I'd love to hear what my fellow homo sapiens think of my ponderings! I am not one to turn down an opinion!
honestly, I don't feel like saying anything more about myself... I feel as if this specific blog doesn't require the reader to know anything of the writer :)
Enjoy my thoughts!