Monday, October 28, 2013

Why is Poor Old First the Worst?

We all know that saying:
"First is the worst,
Second is the best,
Third is the one with the treasure chest."
But who ever decided that first truly was the worst? Obviously it isn't if we all wanna be first. Whether it's first in line or first in the Olympics, we all want to win. For example, when I was in 1st grade or so, I specifically remember that, after an extremely hot recess, I was 2nd in line at the coldest water fountain in the school. I was an impatient little child (and extremely thirsty) and decided that I didn't want to be second, I wanted to be first. So I rapped the kid in front of me on the shoulder and nicely ask if he'd let me go infront of him. Obviously he said no. So then I quickly changed my friendly tactic to a cunning one. I mentioned that little rhyme, insinuating that by being first he was therefore dubbed the worst, and he, being as young as i was, totally believed it. He didn't want to be the worst! A cool drink of water, to him, wasn't worth being called the worst.
Me, however couldn't care less if I was the queen of "worse", I just wanted that drink. So, of course, I got what I wanted with the help of that handy dandy little rhyme. 
Now, back to my main topic:
Why is first the worst? 
Was this little rhyme created for the same reason I used it for all those years ago? A means of almost blackmail? Or is it mere child's play? I don't hear that little rhyme in the halls of my high school. Because now that everyone is grown (or growing) up, they've learned to not care if one stupid saying states that they're the worst.
As for the blackmail, think about it. Back when you were a child, you probably wanted to fit in like a lot of others. Now that want mixed with our small IQ's can create a combination that would make us despise being called or seen as "the worst". Of course we wouldn't understand that that title didn't matter at all, for we were only children. How were we supposed to know that most likely no one else would learn that you got dubbed as "the worst"? 
We didn't! So if one person said that we were the worst, by god it must be true! It's amazing to think that so many kids at that young Age strive to become accepted or seen as normal.
Me, as a child, couldn't care less. I already understood at that age that those stupid titles don't mean diddly squat. However I also realized that 99% of the other kids did not know that! So I began to use that weakness in others to my advantage.
I wanted to be first in the lunch line?
"Oh, well didn't you know that first is the worst?"
I really had to pee but there was a line?
"I mean, first is the worst..."
First to go out for recess?
"Did you know that second was the best?... Because, ya know, first... It's the worst."
Many of my classmates believed me and gladly gave up their first-spots to me. I wasn't complaining! I got what I wanted!
However, as I grew up Iearned that it stopped working.
So what I can say is that first is totally not the worst, unless you're first while going into a booby-trapped tomb... Then in that case, you might wanna be second...
That stupid little saying must've been conceived as a way for children to cooperate and as a means of childish blackmail.
That's all for now! 
Until next time my pretties!


Now, these little creatures are universally hated. Only a small number of people actually like these Arachnids. They see these creatures just like we see dogs and cats. 
They're probably crazy. I'm sure the spider venom has gotten to their brain and infected them to insanity. Who would like these creatures?
But since this is a blog about ponderings, i do have a "plot-twist-like" thought to think about.
What if these 8-legged freaks have a greater meaning in our lives? Their venom is crazy deadly (well depending on the spider) so what if the military harnessed the power of the spiders venom? Could they find a way to make the venom into aerosol and then used it as bombs? What would the effect of the venom be? What would become Of the poor souls that are caught in the explosion? 
Could a spider venom war break out? Should we keep a closer watch on them?? Maybe. But we cannot round up all of our spiders and keep them under lock and key!! That would be kinda difficult. What we can do is moniter the spiders of the world. I mean, it would be pretty obvious if all of the Black Widows in Australia suddenly went missing, right?  Not that anyone would complain, because their venom is scarily poisonous... 
Spiders could be used as weapons of war. That would not only be terribly scary, but there is only so much antivemom available. That means only a few soldiers might be able to be saved. The death till would be extremely high.
Why did I even think of this.
Oh god.
Someone's gonna take this idea and actually make it happen.
I don't wanna be responsible for thousands of deaths.
Just ignore this Idea then... 
Blog on.
And avoid spiders please.

Monday, October 21, 2013


who doesn't have a favorite blanket? I know I do. It's totally pink on one side (which so happens to be the softest side) and brown with pink polka dots on the other. My aunt gave it to me when I was about 10. I still use it every day.
So what is it with humans and their blankets? (I won't call them security blankets for the sake of some of my readers who may still have one) why do we just ADORE them? 
Is it the softness?
Is it the colors?
Is it the warmth?
The truth is, it could very well be any of these! Being me, I know I love the cold! (I'm being serious. I seriously pray for snow in the summer) But I still adore my blankets! Blankets, I know, keep you warm. Now some may ask, "If you like the cold so much, why do you wanna be warm?" Well folks, the truth is, Iove being warm. Now don't mix that up with hot. I hate being hot. But I love being that perfect "warm". Something about it is so comforting.
Now add that comforting warmth and add something extremely soft.
VOILA!! You've got a blanket!
So people, we can assume, like to be comfortably warm, and just comfortable in general. 
Maybe that love goes all the way back to our womb life when we were all fetuses. We were shrouded in warmth.
Comfortable warmth.
So maybe that comfortable warmth is, well, comforting! 
Maybe the answer to my question is more simple than it seems! 
Maybe we just like them because reasons. 
sorry bout this short pat but I really am totally dead-tired.
Good nighty bloggies!
Keep blogging!!!!! 


Such a strange substance water is.
It's clear, flowing, moving, life sustaining, but what I'm here to talk about is more than just the general use of water.
I'm here to talk about the effects of it in our mind and spirit.
Being a swimmer, I'm around water a lot. Not just around it but in it. Sometimes while I'm swimming those laps, I forget about what substance I'm in. I forget about the feeling, the smell, the taste. And for a second, I feel as if I'm floating in air. I sometimes forget that I just need to slow it down sometimes and really absorb what the water is doing. 
When I still had free time (which was a long time ago) I would go to the deep end of the pool, dive in, and just stay there. Stay there, underwater, and feel everything. I could feel the currents move around me, I could hear the splashes of others in the shallow end, and I could sense something else.
I never knew what that something else was until recently; that something else was, and is, the universe. Being underwater is like being in space. You're weightless, there is almost no sound, and the darkness is just pressing in on you.
However, this never scared me. My sences came to life down in that deep end and I felt different. 
I felt in tune with my surroundings.
I felt At peace with my mind.
I felt free.
I could do anything.
If I wanted to to a septuple flip, I could!!
If I wanted to be a mermaid, I could! 
The feel of the water on your body eventually fades until you cannot feel it at all. It feels like air.
The currents turn into breezes.
The sounds turn into distant and unimportant traffic.
But this clarity; this freedom, can be obtained at any time.
Some (by some I obviously mean most) people think that they do not have enough time in their life to take a quick dip in a pool.
Well I say, make time.
The effects of the water is much more than just relaxing, it's eye opening.
It's tranquility that is hard to find.
So this may not seem like a ponder, so here's the question I'll leave you with:
Do you think your body needs water, not only in the intake of it, but in the immersion of it?
Think about that.
Blog on. 
Water's Strong. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


No one likes these.
They're annoying.
They hurt.
They affect our focus.
They just suck.
Headaches need to be un-invented. 
But what if the reason we get headaches is because we aren't using our knowledge or creativity enough?
What if the pulsing pain is from all of those creative ideas just waiting to explode? 
What would our opinions on headaches be then?
Would we still hate them?
Or would we welcome them?
That beautiful burst of creativity could've come from that irritating and painful experience!! However, would you regret having that pain?
Would you want more?
Would people then get addicted to headaches?
Would it become just another way to get money?
However, if your use your creativity enough, you shouldn't even get headaches in the first place. Personally, I get very few headaches. The odd thing is  that I am always doodling. Always using my imagination. always being creative!!!
Now, I feel bad for those who aren't creative and imaginative. Imagine all Of the headaches they'd get!! 
they might need to get some aspirin,
However, this theory is most likely false because as I am writing this, I am getting a headache. My eyes itch and burn and my head is starting to pound.
I should probably stop typing, so I will.
Blog on babes and please enjoy this nice drawing!!


I know that when you first see the word "Token", you automatically think of those silly gold coins you earn from playing those sketchy games at Chuck-E-Cheese just so you can get a stupid prize that's worth about fifty cents.
I'm not here to tell you that that's wrong, I'm just here to say that that's not the only type of token. 
Tokens are known around the world. They're universal.
Everyone has a token; something that they keep in their house or room, that has more meaning than what you think it does.
These tokens can be tokens to lost loved ones, tokens of gratitude to the brave United States soldiers, or tokens of faith.
Tokens of religion.
Tokens of guardians.
People all around the world believe that some object has some type of deeper spiritual meaning and use. That that little piece of junk you found at the Cellar Door on 1st Ave. is more than what it leads on to be. 
What if it's a guardian?
Can it really help you?
Save you?
Protect you?
Maybe, maybe not. 
I'm not one to say, however I can give some rather good examples of these "tokens".
In China, it is believed that the dragon is a spiritual and all-knowing spirit. It is highly praised and worshipped. Couples name their kids 龍 (dragon) in honor of the dragon. So it makes perfect sense that if you have some sort of dragon token in your house or room, that it's greatness would protect you and grant you wisdom. I, personally, would like to believe this for, In my own room, I have 3 dragon tokens. Two of which hang off of a window or above my bed, the third sits on my bookcase. Now I strategically placed my dragons in a way so that their "guardian powers" connect and make a secure circle around my bed. I want to believe that they are watching over me.
Now, other tokens in history are the cross. Many people of different faiths have crosses in their house. It is a universal symbol, and I'm not one to say what it represents for that opinion may vary for other people. However, I can and will say that it is a comforting thing to have in a room. Knowing that it's there makes me feel safer. (No demons are gonna possess me tonight!! No sir'ee!) you can easily spot crosses in almost every American house.
Other tokens include the Dreamcatcher (see earlier blog post to understand where my opinion is on the subject of these fascinating tokens) and some can just be random things. For example, in my room, I also have a wooden elephant head that is hanging near my mirror. My favorite animal is the elephant, so, naturally, I feel better knowing and believing that that head is sitting there, whatching me. I firmly believe that since I love that animal so much, it'll love me the same and protect me from unknowable and unseeable things. 
Now, I know some if you guys are visual, so I included an artsy collage of all of the tokens in my room! Enjoy!
These all hang/sit in my room somewhere. I have each for a different reason. Some I have explained why, others I'd rather not.
I firmly hope I got your mind whirring at the thoughts of the "Tokens". 
It truly is an interesting subject. 
Until next time, my bloggies.
blog on.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Sleep is a very needed thing.
I find that funny and ironic because I'm staying up especially late to get this blog done. 
Not only does sleep regenerate our bodies and minds, but it unlocks the doors to our imagination.
Our dreams and worlds that are entirely our own. We create it. We run it. It's ours. 
No one can influence our dreams. No one can just enter our dream and take control.
That dream is ours. Sometimes you love it so much, you don't want to wake up.
Sometimes dreams are better than reality. And is that sad?
In a sense, yes.
But that's usually the case for us Homo sapiens. 
Our imaginations tend to illustrate our deepest desires and wants. seeing these things "come to life" In our dreams just proves to us that life would be better with these ideas/things. However these things aren't possible in this world, so we tend to want to stay in our dreams.
Our dreams, which are warm and comfortable.
Sure some may seem bad at the time, but they always end up giving you an amazing experience. 
An experience you'll never forget.  These dreams are your raw imagination. 
Let it flow.
Let it grow.
Let it travel. 
And let yourself drown in its tranquil depths. 
Let yourself flow.
Yeah. It's important.
I cannot imagine a world where dreaming is nonexistent. 
That world probably lacks colors. 
that world wouldn't be worth living in.
I, personally, would want to leave.
A world like that is no world for me.
It shouldn't be a world for anyone.
We all dream, why not embrace it?
sorry for the quick little thought, but it had to be said!
Dream on my bloggies. 
Dream on and be free. 
Free of mind.
And cares... 
Myah out.

Alternate Universes & Reincarnation

Some people believe in reincarnation.
Some believe in alternate universes. 
Are they related? Are they the same thing? Well, that's what I'm here to ponder about. 
Reincarnation is the belief that after you die, you come back again as someone else. 
The idea of Alternate universes is thinking that there are other worlds thand ours, perhaps not in our demension. Usually this Sci-Fi thought is the center of many movies, but it truly is something to think about. 
What if, when you die, you're reincarnated into an alternate universe?
What if you've lives a thousand lives before this one, but this is the first like you've had on earth.
Is is possible that you could've been a wolf in one of your past lives?
Yes! It is possible! One of these universes could've been a world FILLED with wolves! 
Obviously, we have no memory of such places, but what if that's just a side effect of the reincarnation? We've all had déjà Vu!!! What if that déjà Vu moment was actually a forgotten memory of one of your past lives? 
That whole "have I met you before?" Question can be answered! Maybe you have met them before, it's just that you were in a different life and universe! Maybe there are people whose friendship is so strong, it can transcend lifetimes. Maybe you were just meant to know that person. Obviously they had an impact in one of your past lives, maybe they can impact you in this one! 
We should all keep open minds! For something could happen, and while we probably think it's crazy or bad, It might be something from our past life trying to just help you again! 
Why do you think we have no memories of our other lives??
Well it's a simple answer, really.
We don't remember, because if we did,
1) we'd be too smart
2) we wouldn't make new mistakes 
3) we would know everything
4) exploration would seem pointless
And 5) new friends would be hard to come by.
For if you remembered all of your other life experiences, chances are that you've provably met everyone in the world.
Another thought is, you know that feeling of your soul being too old for your body? Like you're all worn down and tired?
Maybe that's because you're souls is too old for your body!! God knows how many lives you've lived! And the final question is, will we ever stop?
I think we will stop, when our souls and spirits say we should stop:) 

~open your mind my bloggies.
~inspiration is everywhere.
Please enjoy this drawing of a crazy creature that I created:) 
Imagination is limitless! 
Who knows! Maybe I was this animal in another life!!