Monday, December 16, 2013

Pet Sweaters

Whether it is chilly outside or not, people always seem to dress their pets in sweaters whenever winter, and more specifically Christmas, rolls around. Now, today I was sitting at my desk and wondering to myself, why are we all into putting our pets into hideous plaid and diamond patterned red and green sweaters? What of that appeals to us??? Well, one can say that our instincts have us see our pets as our own children (and granted, I do call my kitten, Roku, my "little boy") so, as the parents, we do what we believe is best for our wittle babies.
We put sweaters on them.
Not only does it make them about 2000000% cuter, but we can also breathe easier knowing that the harsh winds if winter won't chill our presious little gems to the bone. 
But what if you live in a place that never gets to cold? Do you still put a sweater on your pet?
Maybe so! 
I'm not one to speak for everyone, but I'd assume that some would still dress their cats up in sweaters. Maybe it's more of a fad/fashion statement than actual concern for the creature itself. 
My family does not, however, put sweaters on our cats. All of our cats are outdoor cats and I don't think we would like to spend money on a sweater just so that they can get it ruined out in the world.
Now don't get me wrong! It can get crazy cold where I live and I have considered buying one for my own baby. But I never do. Whenever he is cold, I let him inside so that he can warm his little paw-pads by the fire and drink fresh cream from a porcelain bowl. (Ok, I may have over exaggerated how pampered he really is, but I believe he deserves that much! That's all that really matters!) 
Ok, so to wrap this up quickly, I'll say that pet sweaters are more of a fashion statement and a fad than actual concern for our pets well-being. But that doesn't mean pet-sweaters are bad! I personally support the use of them!! I mean, come on! A cat wearing sweater?? Who wouldn't love that?! 
(Well here's a picture of my baby, Roku... Yes I realize that he is lacking the proper winter apparel, but he's fat. He don't need anything else to warm him!!)


It's that time of year again!
The holiday lights go up, the Christmas songs are played on the radio, trees are decorated in homes, and people give gifts to eachother. 
The mood that Christmas time sets up is a rather warm and fuzzy feeling. But when it comes to gift giving, some people get rather sour. 
While there are the folks who love to give gifts to others, sometimes the receiver gets angry. I know that if I receive a gift, I feel compelled to give one back. It doesn't feel right unless I've evened it all out. Equivalent exchange. Others are just plain ungrateful for what they get.
For example, if you participate in a "Secret Santa" thing at school or work, what you have to realize is that you may not like what you receive. Gift exchanges like that are tricky because the person who may get your name might not know you well enough to get you something you'd like! You have to keep that in mind while they walk up to you with a sheepish smile on their face and hand you the box. Games like that, I feel, are more about the thought that counts rather then the extravagance of the gift. Realizing how difficult it could've been for them to figure out what to get you may make you think twice before you dislike what you recieved. 
Personally, I hate giving gifts because you could be my best friend and I still wouldn't know what to get you! Of course I always try to get them stuff I think they'd like, and they end up loving, but I find the hunt for the perfect thing a rather taxing job.
So, again, I caution you:
Don't think about the gift, think about what it means and the effort that was probably put into it. 
It's the season of giving, not the season of wanting.
Give a gift this year and make someone's day! 
It could either be an extravagant gift, or it could be something simple, like taking them out to lunch. Either way, it's an act of kindness that will make their Christmas season special.

Blog on my babes! ;)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Follow Your Heart??

Everyone that you know has heard the saying, "Follow your heart!", but have any of you thought why?
Why follow your heart? 
Sure your heart isn't your brain, but it can still have feelings!! 
You see someone you like, your heart lurches a little. 
You witness some act of kindness and your heart feels like it's swelling with emotion.
All in all, I can see why people would want to follow their hearts... But they fail to realize that their hearts aren't their brains. Your heart shouldn't be the one who is conducting your actions. When people say, "Follow your heart!" In the relationship-type of way, then they're saying "throw all caution and common sense out the window and go for this person!" 
Well I say 
That can be a grave mistake for you in the future! You could follow your heart and put all of your love and trust into one person and they can just cut you off like you were some hideous parasite or something. Once that's been done, where will you be then? 
I'll tell you where you'll be;
Feeling sorry for yourself. Well, I bet ten bucks that if you listened to your brains for just a moment, you could've seen that coming. You could've taken a step back and seen what was about to be. But it's okay. Life will go on and now you've learned from your mistake.

The same can also be said for "Following your heart" when it comes to your dreams.
Go ahead! Follow your heart!! But in this case, I'd change the phrase to "follow your dreams". That way, you still remember that it is only a dream. Sure it may or may not happen, but that shouldn't stop you from perusing it with all your heart! 
So, for me to rephrase that once again;
"Follow your dreams with all your heart."
I think that sounds rather nice, don't you think?
It's realistic and totally uplifting.
You can follow your dreams with all of your heart and you still might not achieve them. 
But who cares? You got close. 
And close is better than not trying at all.
So kudos to you!

That's all I really have to say tonight!! Blog on my babes!!
And I hope these first few weeks of December are treating you well!
Oh, and Follow your dreams with all of your heart. :) 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Firey-ness of Dragons

Since the beginning of their creation, dragons have always been associated with fire. They breathe it, they live in it, and they love it.
But why fire? why not some other element?
Why did it have to be fire?
Well, I think it's because fire is scary. sure its full of life, color, warmth, and security, but it is a scary substance. It can consume.
It can burn.
It can kill.
It only makes sense that the scariest creature should yield the scariest weapon.
Back in the medieval times, when dragons were very popular, fire was their only source of light and heat. The humans knew very little about fire. They didn't have fire extinguishers, they weren't nearly as smart and educated as we are now, and they didn't know how to adequately treat burns. to them, dragons were terrifying beasts that couldn't be stopped.
Of course I realize that dragons aren't real, and that the threat of them was also not real. However, people might have been scared. We cannot truly know what they feared back then!
Anyway, they were probably wary of fire. So giving a monstrous mythical beast the ability to just breathe that substance would provoke fear in anyone.
The good thing is, now a days dragons have all sorts of breathing abilities!
There are water dragons, earth dragons, air dragons (THE DRAGON AVATAR!!!!), Lightning dragons, sonic wave dragons, frost/ice dragons, lava dragons, steam dragons, and the list goes on and on! Maybe more types were created because as we as a human species evolved, so did our fears. some stayed and some left. Our fear of dragons has left because we now know how to conquer flames. So, to keep the magic alive, we created a whole new breed of dragon! well, not just one, but dozens of new breeds!
Personally, I think that humans need imagination to stay sane. You can define "sane" however you like, but I firmly believe that we need imagination. Dragons are an excellent form of human imagination.
without dragons, I think our history would be rather boring.
Dragons give us a spice that makes us seem like a race that has conquered that mighty beast! We are better than those creatures! (even though, if you have read my past posts, you'd know I don't think that. I'm only saying it because other people might believe that.)
All in all, Dragons and fire go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Its weird having one without the other.
Until Next time!